Friday, 13 November 2009

What is a music video ?

Music Video is not primarily a commodity form 

but a promotional one (A.Goodwin 1992)

A distinctive art form which can allow really 
interesting creative opportunities.(P.Fraser 2005)

 A music video is a film of video that accompanies a piece of music or song it can be anything you want it to be it has a view specific conventions according to Goodwin they are: 
  • Genre characteristics
  • Visuals/lyrics
  • visuals/music
  • Need to sell artist
  • Intertextuality
  • Voyeurism
A Music video generally lasts the of song ( 3 to 4 minutes) But not always as Meat loafs ' i would do anything for love' lasts for 12 minutes.

The Video does not also have to feature the artist As Fatboy Slim's ' weapon of choice' does not feature him at all but features Christopher Walken.

The video could also tell a story for example : Rihanna's Take a bow.

A Video is also a  creative artifact of interest itself.

A Music Video can also market other products such as films.
Linkin Park produced 'new divide' which promotes Transformers 2 revenge of the fallen in there music video.
